Watch video of 'Ramadan And Recitation Of The Holy Quran' By Maulana Tariq Jam.. submitted by Jazz on May 18, 2016. This video of 'Ramadan And Recitation Of The Holy Quran' By Maulana Tariq Jam.. has total 3027 (three thousand and twenty-seven) Views on 'Ramadan And Recitation Of The Holy Quran' By Maulana Tariq Jam...
Jazz  |  May 18, 2016  |  3027 Views
The whole year we don't have time to recite the Holy Quran and understand it but in the Ramadan we should spend some times to recite daily one Paara. I also listen this bayan by Maulana Tariq Jameel and Insha Allah I will definitely recite in this Ramdan.
This time I also decide to start the recitation of Quran just before the Ramadan start. Last time I also succeed to complete one Quran.