Watch video of 'Sood Aur Zakat' By Maulana Tariq Jameel submitted by Jazz on May 18, 2016. This video of 'Sood Aur Zakat' By Maulana Tariq Jameel has total 2320 (two thousand three hundred and twenty) Views on 'Sood Aur Zakat' By Maulana Tariq Jameel.
Jazz  |  May 18, 2016  |  2320 Views
imagine the world where it is going nowadays? Everyone has got a lot of time to listen these kinds of so-called managers of religion. But no one seems to have much time to listen to Allah's words directly from Quran, read Quran directly and ponder over its sacred and the most intelligent meanings in any language if not being able to understand Arabic directly.