A Jewish/Christian Young Man Peter Accepts Islam when he was very young now he is living his life by Islamic guidance and following hadith and sunnah. Watch video of A Jewish/Christian Young Man Peter Accepts Islam submitted by Jazz on Sep 27, 2014. This video of A Jewish/Christian Young Man Peter Accepts Islam has total 7487 (seven thousand four hundred and eighty-seven) Views on A Jewish/Christian Young Man Peter Accepts Islam.
Jazz  |  Sep 27, 2014  |  7487 Views
u R the lucky 1 Bro I cant speak good english.just wanna say that when u learn more abt islam u will like Islam more then more.
ma sha Allaah great thing that a lot of people in USA / UK etc are reverting to al-islaam. May the ones that are reverting and may the ones that are born Muslims, all follow al-islaam upon the manhaj of sahaba-e-karaam, and preach to others about it, aameen.