Aanay Walon Ye Tou Batao Sheher-e-Madina Kaisa Hai - Prof. Abdul Rauf Roofi NaatWatch video of Aanay Walon Ye Tou Batao Sheher-e-Madina Kaisa Hai - Prof. Abdu.. submitted by shahzaib on Jun 28, 2013. This video of Aanay Walon Ye Tou Batao Sheher-e-Madina Kaisa Hai - Prof. Abdu.. has total 11885 (eleven thousand eight hundred and eighty-five) Views on Aanay Walon Ye Tou Batao Sheher-e-Madina Kaisa Hai - Prof. Abdu...
shahzaib  |  Jun 28, 2013  |  11885 Views
subhanallah sami saleem allochak
this is very nice naat
Thats a good way to spreat Islam, and It is also a good step for young generation.