Watch video of Avoid Buying Expensive Animal Maulana Tariq Jameel Bayan submitted by Jazz on Oct 03, 2014. This video of Avoid Buying Expensive Animal Maulana Tariq Jameel Bayan has total 23026 (twenty-three thousand and twenty-six) Views on Avoid Buying Expensive Animal Maulana Tariq Jameel Bayan.
Jazz  |  Oct 03, 2014  |  23026 Views
Very nice Bayan i like very much Maulana Tariq Jameel.
allaha pak tariq jamil sab ko lambe umar ata kar day ameen and i am a big fean of tariq jamil sab he is my ideal after the muhammad (s.a.w.w)
Allah apko haiath aa taieba , kabol forma , ameen .
Allah ap ko lambi Umar day u r symbol of Islam.