Concept of Walima in Islam by Maulana Tariq Jamil On His Son's Nikah. Its an exclusive video clip of Mubaligh-e-Islam Hazrat Moulana Tariq Jameel saheb regarding The Concept of Walima in Islam. He had delivered this speech on the occasion of Wedding ceremony of his son.Watch video of Concept of Walima in Islam submitted by Babar on Mar 10, 2014. This video of Concept of Walima in Islam has total 52190 (fifty-two thousand one hundred and ninety) Views on Concept of Walima in Islam.
Babar  |  Mar 10, 2014  |  52190 Views
Allah pak Molana sb ki seath aur Zindagi main barkat atta farmay ( Ameen Sum Ameen )
Real concept of walima in Islam described by maulana saheb in this video. Allah bless him
Allah ka fazal hai k hamera samea in ulama ka bayan achi andaz me ho rai hai.allah in ko seath(health) aur umar me tarqi aata farmaye.aur hame in batoo per amal kerne ki toufeeq de aameen. Aslam basha.Tn.India
moulana ki bat asar rakhti hai ...........