EMOTIONAL QUR'AN RECITATION by Mishary Rashid al-Afasy Watch video of EMOTIONAL QUR'AN RECITATION by Mishary Rashid al-Afasy submitted by saima30 on Aug 06, 2011. This video of EMOTIONAL QUR'AN RECITATION by Mishary Rashid al-Afasy has total 17807 (seventeen thousand eight hundred and seven) Views on EMOTIONAL QUR'AN RECITATION by Mishary Rashid al-Afasy .
saima30  |  Aug 06, 2011  |  17807 Views
Subhan Allah Allah Pak Qari misharay sb k derjat buland kry or sbko aisi tofeeq De aameen
Subhanallah Agar Namaz Parny walay ko Ilm ho jai k kaisi Rehmatoon ne usay Gher Rakha hai to wo Kabhi Sajday se Sar na Uthai.
الحمد لله