Watch video of Khandan Se Bahar Shadi Kyu Zaroori Hai By Maulana Tariq Jameel submitted by Jazz on Jan 14, 2016. This video of Khandan Se Bahar Shadi Kyu Zaroori Hai By Maulana Tariq Jameel has total 5720 (five thousand seven hundred and twenty) Views on Khandan Se Bahar Shadi Kyu Zaroori Hai By Maulana Tariq Jameel.
Jazz  |  Jan 14, 2016  |  5720 Views
Masha-ALLAH, Tabarak-ALLAH - It is not just the duty of only Samahatush-Shaikh, Fazeelatush-Shaikh Hazrat Maulana Allama TARIQ JAMEEL Saheb Hafezahum-Allah and other scholars (Hafezahum-Allah Ajmaeen) to struggle spreading the Word of Allah (entire Deen) but every member of the Muslim Society (Ummat) is responsible to understand his/her purpose of creation (i.e. " كنتم خير امة أخرجت للناس تأمرون بالمعروف وتنهون عن المنكر " ) which can only be materialized thru exercising it the Noorani, Mubarak Sunnah-way i.e. devoting some time learning the "PURPOSE" going out in the path of ALLAH-SWT at the soonest; please don't delay, hurry-up, go leaving home/business for a brief tenure of either 3, 10, 40 days, 4 months as humanity is massively falling into ditches of destruction (unrest/frustration here and Hell-fires hereafter) every moment ! ALSO DONT FORGET to notify general public/friends, etc. dates/days & locations of any IJTIMA in any place of the world in all possible ways & means i.e. attending yourself, inviting/informing others and praying Allah-swt and requesting others to pray for its safety, security, success and attainment of desired results/targets ... Wa-Jazqakum-Allahu Khaira …
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