Musalman ko Kafir Kehna by Maulana Tariq Jameel. Watch video of Musalman ko Kafir Kehna by Maulana Tariq Jameel submitted by Jazz on Jun 25, 2014. This video of Musalman ko Kafir Kehna by Maulana Tariq Jameel has total 28473 (twenty-eight thousand four hundred and seventy-three) Views on Musalman ko Kafir Kehna by Maulana Tariq Jameel.
Jazz  |  Jun 25, 2014  |  28473 Views
He is a great scholar and i never miss any bayan of him, i also like his facebook page which is very helpful for us and give some information about islam.
I recently listen the bayan of maulana tariq jameel on the behalf of junaid jamshed, he get very emotional on the current situation of ullama about this reaction.
I download this speech by Maulana Tariq jameel and also share it with my friends, I specially like the bayan in the topic of ashura moharram and its fast which was also increase my knowledge.
Yes, i also read some ahadees about this but the main thing in this which i get the muslim should obey upon its religion, reciting kalma is not a big deal to comes in the circumstances of islam.