Watch video of Qayamat Kai Din Kya Kaam Aaega By Maulana Tariq Jameel submitted by Jazz on Mar 02, 2016. This video of Qayamat Kai Din Kya Kaam Aaega By Maulana Tariq Jameel has total 8727 (eight thousand seven hundred and twenty-seven) Views on Qayamat Kai Din Kya Kaam Aaega By Maulana Tariq Jameel .
Jazz  |  Mar 02, 2016  |  8727 Views
Regarding the day of judgement, Maulana Tariq Jameel speech is very important which I listen on this page. May Allah give us the right direction which make us success at the day of judgement.
The bayan regarding Qayamat kai din kia hoga is very heart touching, this bayan really change my life. Now I listen the bayan of Maulana Tariq Jameel every Friday.
I thought that Maulana ji was a great religious scholar,but hearing this Video all logics and examples of Maulana nothing as a his name,now I believe that any Maulana in the world.
With the help of the religious bayan in this islamic session of I am feeling the great changes in my life as well I also start to offer Namaz on time with Jamat.