Watch video of Quran Recitation submitted by Jazz on Dec 30, 2015. This video of Quran Recitation has total 4385 (four thousand three hundred and eighty-five) Views on Quran Recitation.
Jazz  |  Dec 30, 2015  |  4385 Views
I like the recitation of the kid in this portal which I watch some days ago. In a very sweet voice I never listen such a heart touching recitation, this portal is very nice.
Subhan Allah! This such a lovely voice which I listen just in the day of Hajj, can you tell me that is he real person which voice I listen in Hajj?
The recitation of Quran is really heart touching, my younger son is also like, he is also Hafiz, he tried to recite the quran in the same way.
All the bayan and the naats in this portal is awesome, this time I listen first time the recitation of this child which I also like, such a lovely voice.