Watch video of Rain in Khana Kaba submitted by Babar on Aug 31, 2015. This video of Rain in Khana Kaba has total 6168 (six thousand one hundred and sixty-eight) Views on Rain in Khana Kaba.
Babar  |  Aug 31, 2015  |  6168 Views
I am also the lucky person because when I performed Umrah in the last year I also saw a haevy rainfall in khana kaaba but it was the winter season that’s why I could not take bath in this rain, it was a very lovely atmosphere.
Subhan Allah! This time every person in the Khana Kaaba is very lucky who see the heavy rain fall in khana kaaba, it is a great blessings of Allah, May Allah give the opportunity to see this view in real.
Masha Allah! This is a view which see only the lucky peoples. Such a pleasant view of khana kaaba at the raining, May almighty Allah wash all the sins due to the blessing rain in Khaana Kaaba. (Ameen)