Surah Abasa is Meccan Surah the meaning of name of this Surah is He Frowned, the Surah has 42 verses, 133 words and 538 letters, in this surah Allah shows His displeasure against the disbelievers. This Surah tells the value of man in Islamic Point of view even if he is high or low in society. Watch video of Surah Abasa (Chapter 80) - Watch Video with Urdu Translation submitted by Jazz on May 24, 2014. This video of Surah Abasa (Chapter 80) - Watch Video with Urdu Translation has total 2545 (two thousand five hundred and forty-five) Views on Surah Abasa (Chapter 80) - Watch Video with Urdu Translation.
Jazz  |  May 24, 2014  |  2545 Views
The meaning of Abasa is "some disability like dough, dumb". Surah Abasa was revealed at those time when Allah resent with Muhammad (S.A.W.W), it was happen only first time.