Surah Alaq is Meccan Surah having 19 verses, By English meaning the title of Surah is The Clot. This Surah is the First ever Surah that Narrated To Prophet Muhammad SAW in the Cave Hira. The First word of the first verse is Iqra. In this Surah Prophet Muhammad SAW was told to study or read or learn by the Name Of Allah Who created You.Watch video of Surah Alaq (Chapter 96) - Watch Video with Urdu Translation submitted by Jazz on May 24, 2014. This video of Surah Alaq (Chapter 96) - Watch Video with Urdu Translation has total 2732 (two thousand seven hundred and thirty-two) Views on Surah Alaq (Chapter 96) - Watch Video with Urdu Translation.
Jazz  |  May 24, 2014  |  2732 Views
Subhan Allah! Surah Alaq is the first Surah of Quran Paak which was revealed at cave Hira in Makkah. It consist of nineteen ayaats and one sajda. The word "Read" is very important in this surah.