Surah Ghashiya, The Overwhelming is also the Meccan Surah it has 26 verses. This Surah begins by asking to human to know about the day of judgement that soo many people would be ashamed that day and the punishments that disobedient and disbelievers would receive, Watch video of Surah Ghashiya (Chapter 88) - Watch Video with Urdu Translation submitted by Jazz on May 24, 2014. This video of Surah Ghashiya (Chapter 88) - Watch Video with Urdu Translation has total 2559 (two thousand five hundred and fifty-nine) Views on Surah Ghashiya (Chapter 88) - Watch Video with Urdu Translation.
Jazz  |  May 24, 2014  |  2559 Views
Surah Ghashiya was revealed in Makkah, consist on twenty six ayaats. In this surah Allah describes us the situation of the judgement day. I pray may Allah bless all the muslims in this day.