Surah Luqman is Maccan Surah, this Surah has 4 rukus and 34 verses, it is the 31st chapter of Qur'an, This Surah tells the various Qualities of Holy Book Qur'an, it also tells the victory of mankind is in Allah Will. It also tells the Rules and Guidelines for Muslims, it also says the about the day of judgement. Watch video of Surah Luqman (Chapter 31) - Watch Video with Urdu Translation submitted by Jazz on May 24, 2014. This video of Surah Luqman (Chapter 31) - Watch Video with Urdu Translation has total 3019 (three thousand and nineteen) Views on Surah Luqman (Chapter 31) - Watch Video with Urdu Translation.
Jazz | May 24, 2014 | 3019 Views
In Surah-e-Luqman, Allah says this book is also a Hikmat (shifa) that is why there is also too much importance of this surah. It is also include in twenty one paara.