The Purpose Of Life - Must Watch This VideoWatch video of The Purpose Of Life - Must Watch This Video submitted by Saba on Jan 18, 2014. This video of The Purpose Of Life - Must Watch This Video has total 36363 (thirty-six thousand three hundred and sixty-three) Views on The Purpose Of Life - Must Watch This Video.
Saba  |  Jan 18, 2014  |  36363 Views
welcome my dear brother u r in time find the real life, God Bless u..........I am so happy.
Ho are you
really we need to realized wat we r dong before itx becum to late
Every human should think about the purpose of life.Specially the muslims who are following the west should re-consider what they are doing?In which way they are going? The true path is the path of Islam.Muslims should be thankful to Allah that He created them as muslims by birth and should value this invaluable wealth of Islam.We have the responsibility of practising Islam and by our example tell the non-muslims that this is a better or the best way of life.We need to spread the message of Islam, atleast with our actions. May Allah have mercy on us.