Watch video of This Is The Voice We Hear during Hajj (Subhan Allah) submitted by Jazz on Dec 25, 2015. This video of This Is The Voice We Hear during Hajj (Subhan Allah) has total 5594 (five thousand five hundred and ninety-four) Views on This Is The Voice We Hear during Hajj (Subhan Allah).
Jazz  |  Dec 25, 2015  |  5594 Views
i just loved to listen him again and again...
Subhan Allah! This such a lovely voice which I listen just in the day of Hajj, can you tell me that is he real person which voice I listen in Hajj?
Yes, I also remembered this voice, usually we are listen this voice in the occasion of hajj. He is such a young guy with such a heart touching voice, I like to see him.