Qasida Burda Sharif - Saba Chaudhry NaatWatch video of Qasida Burda Sharif - Saba Chaudhry Naat submitted by saima30 on Jun 28, 2013. This video of Qasida Burda Sharif - Saba Chaudhry Naat has total 23845 (twenty-three thousand eight hundred and forty-five) Views on Qasida Burda Sharif - Saba Chaudhry Naat.
saima30  |  Jun 28, 2013  |  23845 Views
Subhan Allah! Qaseeda burda shareef is also a popular kalaam because every naat khuwan try to recite it must but in her voice its looking very sweet and heart touching.
Masha Allah, she recite it well in her great voice quality but i also noted some pronunciation mistakes in her arabic words which need to clear more in future.
Subhan Allah, this qaseeda in the voice of saba chaudry is so nice. Most of the female naat khuwan try to recite this but this is looking good in the voice of Saba.
Very clear pronunciation and also the accent of arabic words are great. She is a very sweet naat khuwan, i hope her naats are also good.