We Will Never Submit - Sami Yusuf NaatWatch video of We Will Never Submit - Sami Yusuf Naat submitted by Imran on Jul 01, 2013. This video of We Will Never Submit - Sami Yusuf Naat has total 11800 (eleven thousand eight hundred ) Views on We Will Never Submit - Sami Yusuf Naat.
Imran  |  Jul 01, 2013  |  11800 Views
Allah-Ho-Allah is the most famous Hammd by sami yusuf which i also listen now, i also download this naat and i will listen it than give my remarks about this naat.
All the kallaam by sami yusuf are very old, i want some new album or naat before this rabbi-ul-awwal. I really like all his naat due to his voice which is brilliant.
Sami yusuf is my one of the most favorite naat khuwan,due to the language issue i cannot understand some words but i feel that poetry in my heart that is due to his naat feelings which is great.
This guy is famous due to the multi language hammd but i never listen the other naat, i will download it and wants to listen.