Watch video of Yusuf Labib - Ya Allahu Ya Rahman submitted by Ayesha Rashid on Dec 29, 2014. This video of Yusuf Labib - Ya Allahu Ya Rahman has total 11920 (eleven thousand nine hundred and twenty) Views on Yusuf Labib - Ya Allahu Ya Rahman.
Ayesha Rashid  |  Dec 29, 2014  |  11920 Views
Sometimes we go there for mine family children’s treatment because this doctors taking very good care of all child
I prefer this site to listen the naat of every naat khwaan because there are every naat khwaan naats are available what you want
sami yusuf amazing naat kawan is well known in every corner of asia and this might be due to his melodious voice and an spectacular way of expressing his love towards Allah and prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H).
No it is not looking HD because I have seen the real video of this naat ion HD and it looks too different than the HD standard