Introducing Samsung GALAXY S III: A Day in the Life

A small video clip of samsung galaxy S3. Experience a day in the life of the galaxy S III, and how it plays an intimate role with you and your loved ones. It sees. It listens. It knows. It's the galaxy S III, designed for humans and inspired by nature. Evoking the elements of wind, water and light, the minimal organic design provides a natural fit both in your hands and life. The brilliant HD super amoled display is a visual treat for sharing precious moments captured with the intelligent 8-megapixel camera. Must watch .

Watch video of Introducing Samsung GALAXY S III: A Day in the Life submitted by Aalia Khan on Oct 01, 2013. This video of Introducing Samsung GALAXY S III: A Day in the Life has total 1128 (one thousand one hundred and twenty-eight) Views on Introducing Samsung GALAXY S III: A Day in the Life.

Category: Science & Tech

Aalia Khan  |  Oct 01, 2013  |  1128 Views

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