New Zeppelin Airship

New Zeppelin Airship by Aeroscraft, California firm unveils gigantic amphibious airship

Zeppelins were once considered the future of air transport - but after the horror of the Hindenburg disaster, they disappeared from the skies for more than 75 years.

The Aeroscraft is built using innovative technology which allows it to control its flight better than previous airships, so it should avoid the problems experienced by the first generation of zeppelins.

The Aeroscraft can take off and land vertically, like a helicopter, so it can visit destinations which do not have an airport.

This means that even though its 115mph average speed is much slower than a jet aeroplane at 500mph-plus, the overall travel time could be lower because it can travel directly from where goods are produced to where they are needed.

Worldwide Aeros hope that this will make it useful to the military and aid charities operating in parts of the world with poorly developed infrastructure on the ground.
Watch video of New Zeppelin Airship submitted by Imran on Sep 17, 2013. This video of New Zeppelin Airship has total 5830 (five thousand eight hundred and thirty) Views on New Zeppelin Airship.

Category: Science & Tech

Imran  |  Sep 17, 2013  |  5830 Views

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