Watch video of Seedhi Baat 3rd December 2014 by Beenish Saleem on Wednesday at.. submitted by Rocking Star on Dec 03, 2014. This video of Seedhi Baat 3rd December 2014 by Beenish Saleem on Wednesday at.. has total 1137 (one thousand one hundred and thirty-seven) Views on Seedhi Baat 3rd December 2014 by Beenish Saleem on Wednesday at...
Rocking Star  |  Dec 03, 2014  |  1137 Views
I noted the name of the channels and the timing because many of the peoples appreciate this program by beenish saleem.
Most of the female anchor person wants to ask queries frequently to the anchor person but beenish saleem is such a bold and nice lady in this channel.
We all feel sad about the present condition of karachi and we pray to get rid of this types of target killing activities, hope that our government take some action.
I just watch the last program of beenish saleem show and i very like this program. I will definitely tune the capital tv channel to watch this show.