Duniya Te Aya - Siddiq Ismail NaatWatch video of Duniya Te Aya - Siddiq Ismail Naat submitted by Jazz on Jul 03, 2013. This video of Duniya Te Aya - Siddiq Ismail Naat has total 20563 (twenty thousand five hundred and sixty-three) Views on Duniya Te Aya - Siddiq Ismail Naat.
Jazz  |  Jul 03, 2013  |  20563 Views
This naat by Siddiquie Ismail is the most famous Naat I have listen this naat by man naat Khuwaan and every one can make it better
This is mine most favorite naat of siddique ismail ‘duniya te aya’ I download this naat in mine mobile and daily I listen it very eagerly
siddique ismail recited naat in several languages including urdu Punjabi etc.siddique is a confident naat khawan and he is also decent naat khawan.
Usually I listen the many naats by this site of siddique ismail naats because his many naats are very beautiful which is available on this site