Illegal Bus Stands in Islamabad Residential area I/8-4 belonging to influential Murree individuals waiting for so moto action in public intrestWatch video of Bus Stands In Islamabad Residential Areas submitted by ahsan on Jun 13, 2010. This video of Bus Stands In Islamabad Residential Areas has total 3295 (three thousand two hundred and ninety-five) Views on Bus Stands In Islamabad Residential Areas.
اسلام آباد کے وی آئ پی سیکڑ آئ ائٹ فور کے رھائشی علاقے مہن مری کے با اثر راجوں کے نا جائز اڈے کسی سو موٹو ائکشن کے منتظر
ahsan  |  Jun 13, 2010  |  3295 Views
I am trying to download this video to present in front of IG , DIG , SSP , SP but i can not succeed , please if you don't mind it send a copy of this video to my email [email protected] , [email protected] i am very thankful to you.
Please come to Faizabad Chawk and make a movie also of taxi , wagons and buses disorderly standing in front of passages making difficulties for children, women, old and youth. This is why , because our traffic police (model police of Islamabad) know only one thing how take illegal money from them, I already send many emails to IG , DIG , SSP , SP but all in vain.