Frustration of Indians about Pakistan!!! What India is teaching..

When Endia failed to prove that Pakistan is responsible for problems inside India, now they are making such kind of programs with innocent children that our public want to attack Pakistan!!!

while their minister says on one hand that Pakistani public does not hate India, and on other hand she claims that Pakistani politicians won election on the manifesto of Indian hate!!! so just let me ask you that If Pakistani public did not hate than why Pakistani politicians won election? who vote to these politicians? check out the frustration of Indians about Pakistan
Watch video of Frustration of Indians about Pakistan!!! What India is teaching.. submitted by Faraz on Mar 20, 2012. This video of Frustration of Indians about Pakistan!!! What India is teaching.. has total 4078 (four thousand and seventy-eight) Views on Frustration of Indians about Pakistan!!! What India is teaching...

Faraz  |  Mar 20, 2012  |  4078 Views

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Hindu mentality will never be changed. what they are doing still in kashmir who much more know than me. In fact they have support of biggest terroirst (USA). She has admitted that we require support of big terrorist. They could not win the war of Azadi in kashmir that why they have deployed seven lacks indian army in kahsmir.

  • By arif , Form i
  • On 10 Jun, 2012

sushma dont lie to your kids... its not our politicians agenda even we are not gathering our kids to exchange heat over indo pak issue. see who is spilling heat here! shame on you..

  • By zenith, Form dubai
  • On 07 May, 2012

india know very well pakistanies have the power of jazba e shahadat. pakistan is not a weak, pakistani army is the world 6th biggest army in the world.and pakistani intelligence is the world 1st ranked intelligence, india lolz

  • By huzaifa, Form karachi
  • On 07 May, 2012

let me ask from my wife

  • By ambi, Form zech
  • On 07 May, 2012