Pakistani Taxi Driver Return 14kg gold in Dubai to a chinese pa..

Pakistani Taxi Driver Return 14kg gold in Dubai to a chinese passenger
Watch video of Pakistani Taxi Driver Return 14kg gold in Dubai to a chinese pa.. submitted by Jazz on Jun 29, 2012. This video of Pakistani Taxi Driver Return 14kg gold in Dubai to a chinese pa.. has total 3854 (three thousand eight hundred and fifty-four) Views on Pakistani Taxi Driver Return 14kg gold in Dubai to a chinese pa...

Jazz  |  Jun 29, 2012  |  3854 Views

Latest Reviews & Comments

He is honest person whatever honors he obtained by everybody was very valuable than the gold 14Kgs and 40,000 US dollars .So this is a lesson to all to try to become honest .If anyone inspires him,it could saves some people's money etc.So lets try to in practice our honesty. mohammed masood meadows nottingham united kingdom (uk)

  • By mohammed masood , Form meadows united kingdom (uk)
  • On 18 Jan, 2013

He is honest person whatever honors he obtained by everybody was very valuable than the gold 9.5Kgs and 40,000 US dollars .So this is a lesson to all to try to become honest .If anyone inspires him,it could saves some people's money etc.So lets try to in practice our honesty.

  • By appa Rao.v, Form Visakhapatnam AP
  • On 08 Oct, 2012

