Pakistani Cricketers Shahid Afridi, Shoaib Akhtar, Umar Gul, Younis Khan and Abdur Razzaq having fun while shooting for Pepsi's Official Worldcup 2011 Ad.Watch video of Shahid Afridi & Company- Behind the Scenes Pepsi's Official Wor.. submitted by Noreen Khan on Jan 31, 2011. This video of Shahid Afridi & Company- Behind the Scenes Pepsi's Official Wor.. has total 6015 (six thousand and fifteen) Views on Shahid Afridi & Company- Behind the Scenes Pepsi's Official Wor...
Noreen Khan  |  Jan 31, 2011  |  6015 Views
salam i luv shahid khan afridi.He is a tiger.
I love Shahid Afridi...i pray for Afridi success... Bt my India world cup jeetey, Zafar Iqbal. Jamshedpur. India
afridi ki un innings mai say ek inning jin ko ap finger tips pay gin saktay hain.. how big loser he is, he spend 15 years in cricket with zero impact level.. kaheen aj bottle na chaba lay
just one glimpse of*Shoaib Akhtar*.it's not fair yar because he is the one cricketer whom i love to see and listen.