Watch video of Shahid Afridi in Usa submitted by shahzaib on Apr 07, 2012. This video of Shahid Afridi in Usa has total 9997 (nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven) Views on Shahid Afridi in Usa.
shahzaib  |  Apr 07, 2012  |  9997 Views
islamic mesg hasil karne ka liye type name+city send it to 03476813716
i can just we love u too much.and we proud of u too words in personality of afridi..
nice work keep it up
Shahid bhai ek zabardast cricketer hone k sath ek buhat achche insaan b hain imandar aur sache yakeenan insha allah allah inhen aur b kamyabian naseeb farmaiga.AMEEN