Shoaib Akhtar: The fastest bowler of all time. PakisWatch video of Shoaib Akhtar: The fastest bowler of all time submitted by Noreen Khan on Feb 23, 2011. This video of Shoaib Akhtar: The fastest bowler of all time has total 7144 (seven thousand one hundred and forty-four) Views on Shoaib Akhtar: The fastest bowler of all time.
Noreen Khan  |  Feb 23, 2011  |  7144 Views
wt aaaaaaaaaaaaa tallllllleeeeennnnt........
zbrdst,,,,,,,,,, Pakistan ma bht talent ha bs is ko thek tara sa istmaal krny ki dair ha............. SHOAIB Keeps rocking
Haaaaaaey....!Ma Shaa Allah what a heart throb personality and performance of***Shoaib Akhtar*** Real hero. Pride of Pakistan. Nice cricketer. Well educated. That's why i love him sooooooooooo much. May Allah always bless him in every walk of life.(AAMEEN SUMMA AAMEEN)
اس سے تیز بولر ھے محمد سمیع۔نیٹ پر سرچ کر لو رفتار ھے ایک سو ایک اعشاریہ صفر چھے