Shoiab Akhter - The most aggressive fast bowler in the cricket ..

The bowler who bowled out Sachin Tendulkar on first ball, Who cracked the ribs of Ganguly, Who crushed the toes of Brian Lara, Who broke the defense of Dravid, Who made a hell of the eye of Gary Kirsten, Who bowled the most deadliest over faced by Pointing, Who bowled the fastest bowl in the cricket history ... He was the nightmare of every batsman, He is the deadliest fast bowler ever, He is the Don of Cricket, He is 'Rawalpindi Express' and he is the flat footed 'Shoaib Akhtar', the best and the most aggressive fast bowler in the cricket history.
Watch video of Shoiab Akhter - The most aggressive fast bowler in the cricket .. submitted by Jazz on Nov 20, 2013. This video of Shoiab Akhter - The most aggressive fast bowler in the cricket .. has total 10140 (ten thousand one hundred and forty) Views on Shoiab Akhter - The most aggressive fast bowler in the cricket ...

Category: Sports

Jazz  |  Nov 20, 2013  |  10140 Views

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AmazingoutstandingwonderfulShoiab Akhtermost aggressive fast bowlercricket