Watch video of Subh e Pakistan with Dr Aamir Liaquat Hussain 16th April 2015 submitted by Jazz on Apr 16, 2015. This video of Subh e Pakistan with Dr Aamir Liaquat Hussain 16th April 2015 has total 10841 (ten thousand eight hundred and forty-one) Views on Subh e Pakistan with Dr Aamir Liaquat Hussain 16th April 2015.
Jazz | Apr 16, 2015 | 10841 Views
aslam o alekom mey molana sab koi waja sey tahjod ki bi namaz parney lagi ho allah dr sahab or molana sahab ko zandgi day
Aslam o alikum pakistan amar bai ap ka program boht acha ha
Aslam o Alikum, subh e pakistan. aap se request karta hu ke jiss dinn ap ke programe mein ghulam abbas invited they wo date bata dan thanks
salaam, boht zabrdust show hy. mgr plzzz ap show main kuchh changes lain Allah pak or bhi ap ko ourooj or traqqi ata frmay. mainy 25 Fab ko Rajistr krvai thie abhi tk invi nhi aya.wasslam