Tonight With Jasmeen 22nd April 2014 by Jasmeen Manzoor on Tuesday at Abb TakWatch video of Tonight With Jasmeen 22nd April 2014 by Jasmeen Manzoor on Tues.. submitted by Jazz on Apr 23, 2014. This video of Tonight With Jasmeen 22nd April 2014 by Jasmeen Manzoor on Tues.. has total 1420 (one thousand four hundred and twenty) Views on Tonight With Jasmeen 22nd April 2014 by Jasmeen Manzoor on Tues...
Jazz  |  Apr 23, 2014  |  1420 Views
After hearing this i feel no wonder you guys are in a mess, one fellow wanted PM to go to ISI & apologize, No FIR yet, if some one is alleging some one Investigation must be done, what it has got to do with first line of defence & Indian media is discussing this & all the rubish, Indian media is totally in to Election mode & not much coverage is given to this news, strange country & strange people.
What this Lady is speaking, Ajmal Kasab is not Pakistani?