Madinay Aaon Aise To Nahi Guun - Umm-e-Habibah NaatWatch video of Madinay Aaon Aise To Nahi Guun - Umm-e-Habibah Naat submitted by shahzaib on Jan 21, 2013. This video of Madinay Aaon Aise To Nahi Guun - Umm-e-Habibah Naat has total 26811 (twenty-six thousand eight hundred and eleven) Views on Madinay Aaon Aise To Nahi Guun - Umm-e-Habibah Naat.
shahzaib  |  Jan 21, 2013  |  26811 Views
Umm e Habiba is my all time Fav Naat Khuwan from childhood to adult age I listen her Naat with dignity and full concentration.
masha Allah