Teri Shaan Jal E Jal Lah - Ummeh Habiba NaatWatch video of Teri Shaan Jal E Jal Lah - Ummeh Habiba Naat submitted by Imran on Jul 03, 2013. This video of Teri Shaan Jal E Jal Lah - Ummeh Habiba Naat has total 26772 (twenty-six thousand seven hundred and seventy-two) Views on Teri Shaan Jal E Jal Lah - Ummeh Habiba Naat.
Imran  |  Jul 03, 2013  |  26772 Views
Although all the naats by umme habiba is very famous and sweets but no doubt her persian naat is one the most popular naat which i never forget, i like it too much.
Subhan Allah, her kalaam is a very unique and no body try to make a copy of it, i like the voice of Umme-Habiba and the naat which she select to recite.
Me and my mother both are the big fan of Umme-Habiba and try to make a copy of her voice but her voice is so difficult and unique. We have a large collections of her naat.
Her beautiful accent of reciting naat make her voice unique that is why she is famous in all over the world but my only request to Umm-e-Habiba please recite one regional language naat.