Teri Shaan Jal E Jal Lah - Ummeh Habiba Naat

Teri Shaan Jal E Jal Lah - Ummeh Habiba Naat
Watch video of Teri Shaan Jal E Jal Lah - Ummeh Habiba Naat submitted by Imran on Jul 03, 2013. This video of Teri Shaan Jal E Jal Lah - Ummeh Habiba Naat has total 26772 (twenty-six thousand seven hundred and seventy-two) Views on Teri Shaan Jal E Jal Lah - Ummeh Habiba Naat.

Category: Umm e Habiba

Imran  |  Jul 03, 2013  |  26772 Views

Latest Reviews & Comments

Although all the naats by umme habiba is very famous and sweets but no doubt her persian naat is one the most popular naat which i never forget, i like it too much.

  • By shahida, Form khi
  • On 14 Dec, 2014

Subhan Allah, her kalaam is a very unique and no body try to make a copy of it, i like the voice of Umme-Habiba and the naat which she select to recite.

  • By nuvaira, Form khi
  • On 10 Dec, 2014

Me and my mother both are the big fan of Umme-Habiba and try to make a copy of her voice but her voice is so difficult and unique. We have a large collections of her naat.

  • By areebah, Form khi
  • On 20 Nov, 2014

Her beautiful accent of reciting naat make her voice unique that is why she is famous in all over the world but my only request to Umm-e-Habiba please recite one regional language naat.

  • By sameena, Form khi
  • On 29 Oct, 2014


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