Watch video of Wardaat 10th December 2014 by on Wednesday at Samaa News TV submitted by Nida Khan on Dec 10, 2014. This video of Wardaat 10th December 2014 by on Wednesday at Samaa News TV has total 5880 (five thousand eight hundred and eighty) Views on Wardaat 10th December 2014 by on Wednesday at Samaa News TV.
Nida Khan  |  Dec 10, 2014  |  5880 Views
This such an interesting show but the timing of this show should be change because many of the peoples busy at this time in which it on air.
Last episode of wardaat was so true because i also listen the same story in our area, i also like the voice of the host of this program.
I dont like wardaat by samaa news because only a few stories in which they made a program but peoples wants ome new every time, the characters are also fake in this program.
I dont think so that all the stories in this program of samaa news are true or not? I think it just a documentry program about the snatching issues in karachi.