Kamli Walay Da Nagar Wasda - Yousuf Memon NaatWatch video of Kamli Walay Da Nagar Wasda - Yousuf Memon Naat submitted by saima30 on Jul 03, 2013. This video of Kamli Walay Da Nagar Wasda - Yousuf Memon Naat has total 19091 (nineteen thousand and ninety-one) Views on Kamli Walay Da Nagar Wasda - Yousuf Memon Naat.
saima30  |  Jul 03, 2013  |  19091 Views
The performance and the presentation by yusuf memon is such a unique that is why i like it, his voice is not some special but due to the style i really love him.
Insha Allah, in the upcoming Rabbi-Ul-Awwal i will definitely give the invitation for Yusuf Memon to come at my home in the Mehfil-e-Naat. He is a very nice naat khuwan.
He is very cute person and his personality is also nice to recite the naat with sweet poetry. Yusuf bhai is my most favorite naat khuwan and this kalaam by him is also awesome.
I am a big fan of yusuf mehmon, his voice is excellent as well the action of reciting naat is awesome that is why i really like his voice and collects many naats in the whole album.