ANP leader Haroon Balour beating PTI voter in NA 1Watch video of ANP leader Haroon Balour beating PTI voter in NA 1 submitted by saima30 on Aug 22, 2013. This video of ANP leader Haroon Balour beating PTI voter in NA 1 has total 20997 (twenty thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven) Views on ANP leader Haroon Balour beating PTI voter in NA 1.
saima30  |  Aug 22, 2013  |  20997 Views
I love pti & imrankhan
Till the time neglect such politicians, we cannot go forward in any field of life. Political culture of our country is like jungle rule. Every politician have his security guards, most of them are criminials and wanted persons by police in one or many cases. here i will quote an example of Altaf hussain, Asfand yar wali, Asif ali Zardari. every one is looting pakistan and we are the people getting them chances just to get their few minutes during election campaigns. and its just to impress our reletives that i have relationship this this so called sharif people.
i favour pti in my all life