Watch video of Kaali Diwaar submitted by Babar on Feb 01, 2016. This video of Kaali Diwaar has total 5098 (five thousand and ninety-eight) Views on Kaali Diwaar.
Babar  |  Feb 01, 2016  |  5098 Views
Ahmed Faraz was a Pakistani Urdu poet. He was acclaimed as one of the best modern Urdu poets of the last century. I love his poetry.
Ahmed Faraz poetry Kaali Dewaar is so famous and painful poetry I ever seen in my life I have listened it from a long time and still a fan of these poetries of Ahmed Faraz
This is the very nice page of the poetry which I really like to read and ahmad faraz poetries are also very nice
Have you ever listen this type of poetry before which has a real pain in their words and has the best feelings for the someone