Watch video of An American Who Can Speaks And Write Urdu submitted by saima30 on Oct 27, 2010. This video of An American Who Can Speaks And Write Urdu has total 6232 (six thousand two hundred and thirty-two) Views on An American Who Can Speaks And Write Urdu.
saima30  |  Oct 27, 2010  |  6232 Views
Dear All: Assalamualikoum After such an interesting and education and studying the arabic booking and language he is supposed to be a good reader of Holy Quran and consequnetly to become a good believer i mean a "MUSLIM" escaping himself from the for ever tortured and painful life of the hell and to be from the residents of the great PARADISE. I WISH FOR HIM THAT. SAEED - MADINA
He is great i never seen a american like him.
khan soddozi from portugal first time i join this he is very good
Very nice & surprising any way every one should got education for his life. Azeem Dar, Brussels email. [email protected]