Watch video of Is banday ki General Knowledge Dekh k ap heran hojayainge submitted by Jazz on Oct 26, 2015. This video of Is banday ki General Knowledge Dekh k ap heran hojayainge has total 3286 (three thousand two hundred and eighty-six) Views on Is banday ki General Knowledge Dekh k ap heran hojayainge.
Jazz  |  Oct 26, 2015  |  3286 Views
This is not general knowledge... Many things are historically incorrect. In Hazrat Noah (A.S) ship there were around 80 people not just 5 but its said that Hazrat Noah A.S family survived, others died of some disease after the rain and floods was over so all humanity is today is siblings of three sons of Hazrat Noah A.S. No proof of Pathan origin given.. He mixed time of Hazrat Musa(A.S) and Bakht Nasr. Bakht Nasr time even long after Hazrat Sulaiman (A.S). Bani Israel migrated from egypt to Kanaan (Palestine)... He doesn,t even know that palestine and Kanaan are same places...