Master Ayub Khan has been teaching the poor students for 25 years without receiving a single penny. Converting a Public Park in Downtown Islamabad into a Night School, he has been able to teach these would be illiterate kids.Pakistan needs more people like these, who works for the emancipation for the common people. Will he ever get appreciated? Will he ever be recognized for his Strong Will to emancipate Pakistanis.Watch video of Pakistani Hero - Master Ayub & his School submitted by Ahmed Shahzad on Nov 21, 2010. This video of Pakistani Hero - Master Ayub & his School has total 4374 (four thousand three hundred and seventy-four) Views on Pakistani Hero - Master Ayub & his School.
Ahmed Shahzad  |  Nov 21, 2010  |  4374 Views
Really a great hero in himself ... Govt must support him and the elite class as he is doing a very noble cause !! thumbs up
so good job...... this job is each man not work
Great job done by Master Ayub..appreciated .... May ALLAAH give him strength Ameen.... Best of Luck ......Proud to be Pakistani...