Wakeskating the Eighth Wonder of the World

Wakeskating The Rice Terraces Of Banaue, Philippines - Brian Grubb

Professional wake-skaters Brian Grubb of the US and Dominik Preisner of Germany teamed up with Red Bull to wake-skate the unofficial eighth wonder of the world. The famous rice terraces of Banaue in the Philippines.

Respect for the environment was a priority from the beginning of this project! The team has assured that the plants and wildlife have neither been damaged nor disturbed at any time during the project. All agreements have been made together with the locals and under respect of their traditions and culture.
Watch video of Wakeskating the Eighth Wonder of the World submitted by shahzaib on Dec 03, 2013. This video of Wakeskating the Eighth Wonder of the World has total 4703 (four thousand seven hundred and three) Views on Wakeskating the Eighth Wonder of the World.

Category: Arts & Talent

shahzaib  |  Dec 03, 2013  |  4703 Views

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