Watch video of Beautiful Sibbi Cow For Eid Ul Azha - Sibi Qurbani Bulls 2015 submitted by shahzaib on Aug 28, 2015. This video of Beautiful Sibbi Cow For Eid Ul Azha - Sibi Qurbani Bulls 2015 has total 6227 (six thousand two hundred and twenty-seven) Views on Beautiful Sibbi Cow For Eid Ul Azha - Sibi Qurbani Bulls 2015.
shahzaib  |  Aug 28, 2015  |  6227 Views
One uncle in my area purchase the same size sibbi bull which is beautiful. I remembered the sacrificing of last year bull which was very dangerous and gave a very tough time to all the butchers.
I am insisting my father to buy Qurbani animal from any famous cattle farm like Jinnah, Surmawala and others. Their animals are amazing and certified by vet doctors.