Watch video of Giant Qurbani Cow, Bulls, Sibbi, Sahiwal Bachre Rabbani Cattle .. submitted by Saba on Aug 28, 2015. This video of Giant Qurbani Cow, Bulls, Sibbi, Sahiwal Bachre Rabbani Cattle .. has total 2533 (two thousand five hundred and thirty-three) Views on Giant Qurbani Cow, Bulls, Sibbi, Sahiwal Bachre Rabbani Cattle ...
Saba  |  Aug 28, 2015  |  2533 Views
I don’t like sibbi bull that is why I never purchase any year. The silver shade in the whole body specially on the top spoil the beauty of the white color, no doubt this bull is full of meat and less fat.
Thanks for sharing such an amazing Qurbani animal pictures I really like them and I am sharing all these videos to my cousin and friends.