Watch video of King Of Keemari Jinnah Cattle Farm 2015 For Sale submitted by Imran on Aug 28, 2015. This video of King Of Keemari Jinnah Cattle Farm 2015 For Sale has total 2463 (two thousand four hundred and sixty-three) Views on King Of Keemari Jinnah Cattle Farm 2015 For Sale.
Imran  |  Aug 28, 2015  |  2463 Views
Last night I got visit in the mandi but I could not saw this king of keemari bull, some one said that it was sold out. It is not much long but it is a very heavy bull which I see in this video, may be it over eight ton in the weight.
King of keemari is also available for sale in the jinnah cattle farm, may be some one tell me that the owner ask the price of it is 700,000 rupees which is very expensive but look at the beauty as well.
What should be the price of king of keemari bull? I never see this type of huge bull in the desi nasal, although some sibbi bull are more long in the height but look at the heavy thigh of this huge bull.
GOD, these cows are so big and huge, no wonder what they guys feed them to make them look like this.