Watch video of Dilpasand Cattle Farm 2016 Sohrab Goth Mandi submitted by Owais Mirza on Aug 23, 2016. This video of Dilpasand Cattle Farm 2016 Sohrab Goth Mandi has total 2591 (two thousand five hundred and ninety-one) Views on Dilpasand Cattle Farm 2016 Sohrab Goth Mandi.
Owais Mirza  |  Aug 23, 2016  |  2591 Views
They have every beautiful cow in the cattle farm and as my opinion no one can beat them in the beauty of cows and also the heavier animals
The buyers are confused this year because of the higher rates of Dil pasnad cattle farm I took a survey from there and I was amazed to hear the rates of Australian Bull
This cattle farm only for VIP's because this cattle farm rates touch the sky . Majority bulls are sold in Diplasand cattle farm before to set in Cow mandi.
Every time I purchase the sibbi bull in this mandi but this time I see the prices of sibbi bull is too much expensive. Every buyers are very disappointed to see the price of the animals because all the animals are very expensive.