Watch video of Fazal Cattle Farm 2016 Sohrab Goth Mandi submitted by Owais Mirza on Aug 23, 2016. This video of Fazal Cattle Farm 2016 Sohrab Goth Mandi has total 1925 (one thousand nine hundred and twenty-five) Views on Fazal Cattle Farm 2016 Sohrab Goth Mandi.
Owais Mirza  |  Aug 23, 2016  |  1925 Views
Afzal cattle farm also much better they don’t have a huge animals but they have beautiful animals as red color cow and white milky color cow who attract the public
I think the bulls in Fazal cattle farm was very heavy in the last year but in 2016, all the bulls and cows are looking just same in the weight. Mostly I see black and brown color in this farm.
Pakistan’s all cattle farm animals are expensive, it is not easy for a person to buy these type of expensive animals for sacrifice.
In Baksh Cattle Farm 2016, I noted that mostly brown color bulls are available, it is not my favorite color but I like it due to the heavy body of the bulls.