Watch video of Jamal Cattle Farm 2016 Sohrab Goth Mandi submitted by Jazz on Sep 18, 2014. This video of Jamal Cattle Farm 2016 Sohrab Goth Mandi has total 5578 (five thousand five hundred and seventy-eight) Views on Jamal Cattle Farm 2016 Sohrab Goth Mandi.
Jazz  |  Sep 18, 2014  |  5578 Views
so beautiful animal collection here, all of them are so healthy and beautiful, or we can say they only displayed the healthy animals for show and to attract people towards them
I can easily choose the animal for immolate this year with the help of this cattle farm information pages they really helpful for me
Last year cow in the Jamal farm was much better as compare to this year, I also visit in the farm but I don’t like any one, I think jinnah cattle farm animals are much better than Jamal.
Visiting cattle farm in sohrab goth has become trend and now since that word selfie is originated people will behave crazy with cows and add them in selfie. Anyways its fun and i also do this when visit mandi with friends.